Adaptive Evolution to the rescue

The spiders, perhaps sensing Merle to have the most energy amongst the quartet and deeming her a greater threat, fired streams of white spider webs like bullets, aimed at her.

Iolana stepped up with shield in hand as she activated her protection skill and attempted to block the web bullets, however, her movements seemed more sluggish than before.

'Something's wrong...'


Before Evan could address his suspicion, the sound of a cannon shell colliding with metal rang out consecutively, surprising Evan as he did not expect such destructive power from a mere spider web bullet!

Appraising one of the spiders, Evan barely held himself back from cursing out loud.

|Name- None

Race- Araneae

Level- 90

Existence Level - Silver

Titles- Spider Queen's Guard

Class - Royal Guard

Health – C (C-)

Energy - C (C-)

Strength – C- (D+)

Agility – C (C-)

Durability – C- (D+)

Intelligence - D- (E+)

Condition- Buffed, Enraged

Magic Tiers- Poison Tier 2, Earth Tier 1.