[Bonus chapter]Interlude 4-3 – Resultant Actions

"Xakon....is dead."

Felix's words served as a confirmation of the reality of the situation. He ignored the looks of shock on the scouts' faces and began to think about how Xakon could have possibly died.

'Albeit low ranked, Xakon was an Ilmoth, a noble demon. He should have been capable of using 'True form release'.

If he still died, then this means that his opponent was just that strong.

The problem is if he was killed instantly or captured and tortured for information before his death. It would be good if it was the former but in the case of the latter, just how much did he spill before dying.'

His frown deepened as he sank deeper into his thoughts, only breaking out when he heard one of the scouts say something shocking.

"Sir, I have a conjecture on how Xakon died."


"One of 'The five' was on the Alpha continent where Xakon was just a few days before he died. The one called 'Strongest Human' Rathal."
