The One Who Wants All There Is

Unknown Dungeon

Dungeon City Osto


December 19th

Year 1051

A frail-looking man, dressed in ragged clothes took slow and steady steps as he dragged a great sword that was a bit over two metres in length along with him.

He had long black hair cut at uneven lengths with his bangs hanging low on his face and covering his both eyes.

On the back of his left palm, was the crest of an upside-down Great Sword inscribed in a circle with a number written in roman numerals in small barely visible text under it.

As he walked down the long hallway, he staggered occasionally as his bony arms struggled to pull the weapon behind him.

Reaching a flight of stairs going downward, he pulled the sword forward and tossed it down the stairs, making loud clanging sounds that echoed across the empty hallways.

After a few minutes of struggling, he finally got down the flight of over fifty stairs before spending another few dozen more seconds picking up the great sword as he resumed carrying it.