Careful what you wish for...!

'Let's try fighting without the spirit's assistance now, shall we?'

This was the conclusion Evan came to and he should have honestly not voiced it out, unfortunately, he wished to inform his party members of the reason why he would not be using his spirits so that they would not be caught unawares.

It's not like it was a bad idea, it was a relatively good one. It's just that the timing at which he had that idea, was the worst possible timing.

"Hey, guys. Let's try something..."

Unfortunately, at the moment before he spoke, the last person that should have heard him say that, turned their gaze towards him and upon hearing Evan's words, the corners of his lips curled up into an evil grin.

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A man was dressed in a black knight uniform with white and gold colours as a contrast. A black mantle with red lining was draped over one of his shoulders and he sat atop some sort of large golden platform while his legs swayed in the wind.