Vs Terence I

|Collapse Acquired|

|Unique Skills require three skill slots. |

|Two Skill slots remaining. |

|Intimidation Acquired|

|Rare Skills require one skill slot. |

|One Skill slot remaining. |

'Never thought that I'd see 'Collapse' here of all places!'

The young hero was in a good mood after having discovered two very useful skills from Terence within a minute of meeting him, however, his jolly mood didn't last for long.

|Name- Terence Stickels

Race- Human



Level- 190

Existence Level - Master

Titles- Contractor of Greed, Greed's Thrall, Greedy Red, Revenger, Terror of Osto, 'Reds' Gang Leader.

Class – Earthen Swordsman

Health – C+

Energy - C+

Strength – B- (C+)

Agility – C+

Durability – C+

Intelligence - C+

Condition- Wary, Confused, Avaricious.

Magic Tiers- Earth Tier 2, Fire Tier 1, Wind Tier 1.

Skills- Swordsmanship (Mid), Intimidation, Earth Tide, Earthen Sword, Crescent Strike, Treasure Seeker.

Unique Skills- Collapse. |