Temporarily Breaking Character Role

"You're finally awake.

Seriously, who the hell sleeps atop a pile of corpses?"

Looking around him, he could see he was not in that apocalyptic scenery in his mind but in a town that could have been said to have gone through its own form of apocalypse.

The once smooth network of roads that interconnected all the streets and districts of the town was torn to pieces by the elements. Grass filled the labyrinth of cracks and sand covered whatever was left. Gardens were bustling with insect life who had made their home in the now tall grasses and overgrown bushes.

Most doors were either completely gone or mere remnants of rotten wood and rusty metal. The open doorways looked eerie as only darkness showed within. There were signs of fires, while in some cases, it was merely a trail of soot and smoke above a window pane, in others, it was a pile of ash where once a building stood.

"I was not asleep, just going through some past memories."