‘Interrogating‘ Faerora I

"…Where's Lensa?"

"Dead. Shouldn't you be able to tell?"

The brown-haired elf nodded in affirmation, with a relieved sigh escaping her lips which didn't go unnoticed by Evan.

"Let's eat while we talk, shall we?"

Evan picked up his cutlery as he spoke, spinning the knife around his hands as he appreciated the visual appeal of the meal in front of him before digging in right after.

"Oh...I suppose introductions are in order, aren't they?

Our dear elven friend over here is Faerora, one of the Senior members of the organization behind the undead messing up the Duchy at the moment.

And this is one of the Church of Artemisia's Bishops; Amelie Harris."

He introduced the two ladies to each other as he cut up his food into bite sizes, before putting it into his mouth and nodding in satisfaction right after.

"This is good stuff."

The boy took a sip of his juice before turning towards Amelie and asking her a question.

"When are the rest of the churches' coalition force coming over?"