On Eliza’s side of things…

The man was a fairly strong new B-rank adventurer, who had the strength to match up his rank. The only issue people had with him was his attitude and his lack of ability to cooperate with anyone other than his party members on joint party quests taken on by multiple parties.

As such, the guild had to give him a few warning strikes for his bad behaviour over the past few months.

The four others trailing behind him were the party members in question, and they looked terrible and completely fine at the same time.

Terrible in the sense that their armours and defensive gear were all beaten and battered, but they surprisingly had zero injuries on their bodies.

"Wait up! Didn't that guy have a scar from that undead Basilisk they fought last month?"

"Yeah…the one that even the bishop from the church said he could not heal because of the high concentration of death magic? Or was it darkness?"

"It was probably a curse."