Operation Synchro I

On-field Command Centre

Unnamed City Outskirts

Cheverton Duchy

April 24th

Year 1052

[The time is 0540 hours in the morning with clear skies out there; the weather should not be an obstacle in the way of the operation.]

[All personnel in position for the final Briefing of Operation Synchro.]

The voices from the speakers roused Evan from his short nap as he wiped his eyes with a wet cloth and got to his feet, standing at the head of the table surrounded by multiple high-ranked military personnel, paladins, senior mages and their adventurer equivalents.

[The targets of the Operation are the undead monsters situated close to the current positions of each Brigade/Group.

Each Location is estimated to have between fifteen to twenty thousand undead monster units, with average levels ranging between 100 and 150, commanded by superior undead units at the early Grandmaster level.