Gossip at the Guild II

"Wasn't it supposed to be the Vice Chief Grand Magus he was close with?"

"Yeah…that's what I heard too."

"Well…he's close with both, I guess.

Saw three of them talking once and he seemed quite chill with them."

The senior mage replied to the adventurer's question, with another one of her fellow senior mages chipping in as he remembered the scene she spoke of.

"I remember that day, that was the first time I saw Vice Chief Ritz speak more than five sentences to someone in one sitting.

I was in shock for close to half an hour after that."

"For real? It was that shocking to see her talk for long?"

"It was.

She isn't called the 'Laziest Mage Alive' for nothing, you know?

She's really good at her job when it counts, to the point where even the other Grand Mages have given up on finding fault with her.

But it's common knowledge that she'd rather sleep all day than work for even half a minute."