Pseudo-Authority of Death

The magic circle hovering in the sky glowed with a bright blue light, before a huge pillar of blue flames descended from above, crashing down onto the area where the Eighth Finger's body was and causing a large explosion.

However, if that was all the spell did, then it would not be under the class of Tier 3 spells.

Five pillars of blue light surged from five points around the explosion, creating a formation where all 'heat' within the range was absorbed and transferred to the magic circle in the sky.

It then lit up again, with the original pillar of light fizzling out momentarily before all the energy gathered was condensed into a huge orb of blue flames.

"Grind him away."

Ralphie's command activated the magic circle once more, launching dozens of frost fire beams that dealt multiple instances of ice fire damage to everything within a kilometre radius.

"Compressing such a large AOE spell and limiting its effects to a few metres is hard work."