Interlude 7-1 – Uncle and Niece

Unnamed Forest Resort Lake

Cheverton Capital City Periphery

Cheverton Duchy

May ???

Year 1052

Despite being a small artificial forest, it was thick and rich with more greenery than some natural forests. Its canopy was overshadowed by sycamore and birch trees, and abundant dancing lights bounced through their crowns for a motley of ferns to control the stony grounds below.

Bundled vines waved from the occasional tree, and a range of flowers, which claimed remnants of light, added more life to the otherwise uniform backdrop.

A medley of sounds, most of which were birds and vermin, reverberated through the air, and formed a chaotic orchestra with the croaks of frogs in the nearby lake.

And on the banks of this lake, was a blonde, fair-skinned beautiful teenage girl, who was dipping her legs into the lake while silently munching on the meat skewer in her hands.