Interlude 9 – Cognizance

SunPenny Coffeehouse

####### City

##### Country

AD 3101

Earth V

"Large Expresso Con Panna for Vincent?"


"Okay, Mr Vincent, that'd be #9.99."

Vincent Bourne nodded as he passed the notes over to the cashier who tacked them into the cash register and printed out a small receipt for him.

"Ahh…that hit the spot."

He muttered to himself after walking out of the Coffeehouse and taking a small sip from his coffee, before beginning to make his way back to his office, only for his vision to suddenly grow hazy as he staggered to the side.


"Are you okay, sir?"

"…yeah…I'm fine. Think I tripped or something."

He replied to the security officer who noticed him, stomping his foot on the ground a few times before beginning to walk back to his office once again.