Year 1052: August-October

On their Birthday, the 10th of August, some of the A and S rankers whom Greed and Pride were close with, some of whom they became familiar in Bultom's Adventurers' guild with during the Cheverton Incident, threw a 'little' party for them at the Adventurer's guild Headquarter building.

Since the guild building was massive, with multiple guild halls, large monster rooms, storage areas and offices, there was more than enough space for these high-ranked adventurers to commandeer an entire guild hall for a few hours.

Of course, while everyone knew it was their birthday, no one knew their actual ages and Greed nearly turned the matter of guessing their ages into a game and almost succeeded in coaxing a few adventurers to place bets on it.

Thankfully, Pride reined him in before things went that far.

But either way, most people only guessed that Pride and Greed were either at least nineteen or in their early twenties.