Couple Rings

She did a double take upon realising that Evan had said 'them' and not 'it' while the boy only nodded silently and pulled out two more accessories from his inventory.

One was a bracelet much like the one she currently had on and the other was a small simple looking ring. They both had fancy-looking runic inscriptions on them but Eliza could instantly tell that they were enchantments.

A longer observation allowed her to infer that one of the enchantments was artificial, while the other was natural.

"This one is an Interspatial ring, basically like my Inventory but with far limited space."

"How big?"

"A 25 by 25 feet.

You can bind it to yourself so no one besides you can open it."

"Sounds like It costs a lot."

"Yeah, but I'm rich so it wasn't a problem."

The boy casually waved off her concerns about the price of the ring, as he had personally gotten the materials by himself when he went off to Aspea.

"Does the necklace have any effect too?"

"Yep. Elemental Damage Bonus.