Against the First Division Squad IV

Anyway, minus the fact that he had used the Poison Cephrodite's energy stone for the Frozen domain, the intimidation effect he unleashed to keep them in place long enough to do that consumed a sizable amount of energy.

This was natural, as it was capable of pressuring these grandmaster-level existences so much that they saw hallucinations of death.

It also should not be forgotten that Evan was fighting against two of the fake heroes and multiple demonic Hand members before this, all of which were over level 300.

Even in his BoD state, he had consumed a great deal of energy.

So how did he still have energy left in his body?

For starters, Evan wasn't just throwing out attacks willy-nilly, but was occasionally downing energy potions to replenish his energy, using mostly aura-based attacks and using his magic power to power the BoD skill.