World Magic: Spell Number 25

"World Magic: Spell Number 25: World Isolation Barrier."

As those words left Kethryllia's lips, the World Magic spell activated instantly.

From the magic circle hovering high up in the air, a semi-transparent space-warping wave of energy radiated outwards, stretching towards the edges of Lacertilia.

This wave was formed from a mixture of various energy types, magic power, ether, aura, celestial energy, demonic energy and so on.

It blanketed the sky, extending to take on the form of a massive dome that encompassed the entirety of Lacertilia, dungeons included.

Those inside and outside the city all watched on in shock, unable to do anything as the spell's activation period was just too short—only taking a single minute to cover the entire city.

Within this time, some Epic Level existences arrived at the city centre where the Kethryllia was, but the redhead only lifted her palm from the ground calmly before glancing around at all of them.