Time to Lose the Extras


Evan bit into the strawberry with a delightful expression on his face, about to continue savouring its taste when Kaylas's voice rang out.



[Did you forget we're in a race?]


Kalya gave him a mischievous smile as lighting tendrils snaked across her arms and legs. A similar phenomenon happened to Evan with his golden aura, with him tossing the half-eaten strawberry into his inventory.

In the next second, the two of them zoomed off into the distance, leaving behind Greed who had just picked his weapon back up.

"Oh no, you don't."

The man stretched out his hand and sucked the agility out of the monsters who fled the area due to the bowling explosion, before kicking off the ground and chasing after the other two.

The trio's race continued, with them making a few stops to butcher some monsters and Evan finally taking the time to eat the rest of his giant strawberry.