Well someone has a ‘Stalker’…

"I'm talking a lot, aren't I? But you can't blame me, I'm very excited to finally speak with you after watching you all this while."


Evan didn't know where to start getting surprised from; the fact that she was excited to see him, or the part where she casually admitted to having been stalking him for 'a while'.

'I'm genuinely scared to know how long this 'while' really was.'

"I spent a lot of time over the past year wondering how and why your soul was so unique but I couldn't come to an answer."

Agnes poked a finger in the air and generated a little projection of the Symbol in his eyes as she spoke.

"At first, I questioned if it was because you were a Hero, but I've seen other Heroes as well.

Their Souls weren't Unique like yours and they didn't intrigue me so much.

When Abby and I met, I took a good look at her Soul and though it was certainly interesting in 'more ways than one', it wasn't as Unique as yours.