The Alpha Continent’s National Leaders I

"If you do not wish to turn out like him, I suggest you watch your back. Besides, the man isn't dead.

This much is too little to kill a grandmaster, after all."

When Evan's warning reached their ears, the woman turned around and saw that if she had moved back two more steps, she would have fallen into the ruins of a building which were engulfed in prismatic flames.

"C-count Bourne."

The young hero's displeasure upon hearing the woman's address was very evident on his face, and he questioned if Roselia was really the one who sent this lot before speaking.

"For the love of all that is right and just, as far as this war is concerned, you are NOT to address me by my GWE Noble Title.

I am participating in my capacity as an Adventurer and Hero, not as a GWE noble.

Am I clear?"

"Yes, Sir Evan. Please forgive her, she's a new recruit who was just added to our team at the last moment."