Liegan’s Battle I

Government House


Republic of Wolfen

June 15th

Year 1053

"Tomond has fallen, you say?"

"Yes, Mr Governor. The scouts reported sightings of Imperial flags in Firecrest."


The Governor of the nearest state to Tomond, Governor Doulton of Liegan, frowned deeply when he heard the words of Major General Aldric, the commander of the city's Military.

It hadn't even been a few hours after he had been roused from his sleep by the news of the GEE's invasion and the next thing, he was hearing was that Fremond and Xuudrora had fallen.

The nightmare only got worse when he heard that Zaalgow and Flirstead followed not long after, and now even Tomond's Firecrest Camp and its Brigade of Elites could not stop the charge of the Imperials.

Spread in front of him was a map of Wolfen, with the GEE to the North and their Capital Agla in the central area of the country.