
While Eliza was in Vathax, Evan was dealing with the issues pertaining to his presence in the ongoing war.

Thanks to Arlan's memories, Evan had a pretty easy time devising a plan of action as the former hero had done something similar a lot during his Era.

People were criticising him for getting involved in another country's war, a lot said he was doing it for fame (which was true), while some others just said that the GEE had paid him money and he was basically a mercenary for hire.

When people were saying whatever they wanted, a press conference took place at the Barthmont palace, presided over by Prince David.

The contents of the Press Conference were broadcast live on radio and in it, David affirmed the GEE Emperor's claim of possessing the support of Heroes.

He also stated that he supported Evan's stance on the matter, revealing that he had also been looking into the War Remnant Structure as well and had been denied access by Wolfen.