Revelations at Rose Castle [Monthly Bonus 1]

Rose Castle Banquet Hall

Royal Palace, Gerfast


November 24th

Year 1054

The scene was the Rose Banquet Hall again, and today was the after-party of the GWE's Princess' 16th birthday celebration.

Just like the night before, most of the attention of the guests was torn between two sets of people.

The Celebrant, who was adorned in a rich brown dress that matched her chestnut hair, flowing like liquid silk.

Delicate black lace adorned the bodice, with black highlights tracing the seams and edges. The hem fell gracefully to the floor, swaying with each step and catching the light.

Like always, Arnold who was with her was also a focus of attention, but today, he was completely overshadowed by the other set of people, one of which was his younger brother.