Missing Prologue [Monthly Bonus 2]

"…She told me Our History Books have been praising the wrong people."

Laurene had said that line to Evan when they first met four years ago, and it was something that Evan had agreed on.

"So, tell me what they did that makes you hate them so much? Are they not the ones who saved the world and sealed the Dimensional Rift? Or is that a lie they fabricated as well?"

Seeing her question if their feats were a lie, Evan laughed as he knew she said this due to her discovery that they had hidden the truth of the Transcendents from 1000 years ago.

"Don't worry, that's not a lie. They did save the World."

"Is that so? So, what's in our History books is correct?"


Evan nodded in affirmation, opening his inventory and bringing out a book and placing it in front of Eliza.

When she glanced at the cover, she saw it was a standard history textbook used in schools. Evan slid the book closer to her before speaking.