Disaster Prevention 101

Federal College, Classroom B16

Naxetus Station City

Osaburg Region

December 3rd

Year 1054

"Pawn to C5."

"Knight to F6."

"You're giving me an opening."

"I dare your rook to take it."

Such was the interaction between two people playing chess in the middle of a classroom. The time was 12:30 am, far too early for anyone to be in a classroom, yet here they were.

They were indeed trespassing on school property, but the night shift security guard, who was meant to be on patrol, was currently knocked out in his booth.

There was no one to chase them out.

Seated at the table was a woman with long, flowing hair the colour of spider silk and eyes that shimmered with a predatory gleam. Despite her captivating appearance, her bright golden-yellow eyes, each iris containing four pupils, hinted at the arachnid menace lurking beneath her human façade.