Envy and Yearning

Evan's gamble had paid off.

He'd always had an inkling that EOTD could sense whenever he used BoD, and that's why he activated it.

Normally, the man wouldn't have cared as Evan used the skill a lot. But this time, the location the skill activation came from was NOT Aidos.

This location change is what got him curious and made him turn his gaze in Evan's direction.

"Thanks for the help, bro."

Evan spoke up, a moment before something crashed into him and tackled him to the ground.

Looking up, he saw a very worried Kayla patting his body down as if trying to check for any wounds.

The gaze of EOTD vanished silently, and the boy smiled wryly before raising his hands to placate the worried spirit in front of him.

He lightly hugged her and got to his feet, easily lifting her and setting her down on the ground.

"Hold on for a second."