Harvest Festival of Souls [Monthly Bonus 3]


Faulin's expression contorted as he just sensed the death of one of the 'Race Lords' under him. Simultaneously, the thought of warning Faulin about Evan's flames instantly escaped Belphont's head as he sensed Seraphael's death.

The doors slammed open and another one of the FCDs entered, the Arcane Celestial Lorethi and her expression wasn't good either.


"I know."

Faulin was incensed. He didn't expect that Seraphael would lose against the Deadly Sin Siblings. Sure, there were two of them, but Seraphael's 'Paradise of the Faithful' was supposed to assure his victory.

In the first place, the Bounded Fields of Fallen Deities like them were on a different level from what normal mortals could conjure, since they were in truth, a weaker version of a Deity-exclusive power.

He had kept tabs on the activities of Evan's party and was sure he had a pretty good estimate of their current levels.