“Hey, you’re finally awake”

Unnamed Prime World

Yellow Star Stroay

Stroay Star System

March 31st

531st Divine Year

When Evan regained consciousness, he saw himself in the middle of a large office, with a desk and couch to the side where the person responsible for knocking him unconscious lounged with a portable game console in his hands.

'Where…am I?'

Evan's memories were fuzzy, a delayed side effect of the time travel he just experienced. But slowly, the events of the past few hours started coming back to him.

'I was fighting Faulin, then Conroe came back to life for some fucking reason…

Then…? Yeah, I fought Conroe, but I couldn't stop Faulin from becoming a Deity…'

After a few moments, the rest of his memories arranged themselves properly.

'Artemisia beat Faulin, then some bullshit happened and Artemisia got restrained by causality, then Conroe suddenly pulled out spatiotemporal magic and I got sent to the past…'