The Desolate Mountains and the Forbidden Outlands

Tolgue City

Githal Region

Gledea Continent

April 10th

531st Divine Year

Gledea was a massive continent. Even bigger than the Alpha Continent Evan knew back on Aidos, which was a lot considering the Alpha continent had an area of 150+ million square kilometres.

It seemed that having huge continents was a staple of Prime Worlds.

Such were Evan's thoughts, completely unaware of Super-Planets like Gozon where a single continent was larger than the entire surface area of Aidos.

Returning to Gledea on Aramis, the reason why Evan was thinking about its size was because of his destination with Beatrix and Artemisia.

It was in the 'North-North', but despite it being 'North', it was about two dozen thousand kilometres away from the Elven territory where he and Arthur had met with those Dryads a few days ago.

Take note, Evan was in the 'North-East', a completely different geopolitical zone entirely.