Reason for Mysterious Disappearances

Scout Command Ship #24 Deck

Demon Navy Armada

Chatane Ocean

May 10th

531st Divine Year

Evan left the cabin prepared for him with a yawn, walking up to the ship's deck where he saw Arthur toss a phone-like device into his subspace.


"Alvey said we got hit on the West side. Four Fleets are down."

The sudden news shocked the last dredges of sleep from Evan's eyes. His brow raised in surprise, and he posed another question.


"We don't know yet."

"Damn…that makes it worse."

Evan pulled a chair from his subspace and casually settled down, not far from Arthur. He leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees as he gazed over the railing, watching the endless ocean waves rolling beneath the ship.

It was then that Arthur broke the short silence with his words.

"Whatever it is, it better have enough EXP to take me to the Superior Stage."