Aramisian Hero #9

High Command: East Gate

Khever Region


May 22nd

531st Divine Year

The path to Plomux High Command stretched out before the Gozonian Army. Overhead, the sky was bright blue, promising a bright, sunny day.

The rhythmic sound of the pounding of thousands of hooves filled the air as the Demon Army's forces rode in unison toward their goal: drawing out the Aramisian Army stationed in the region. 

Arthur and Evan rode at the vanguard, perched atop their muscular warhorses—Level 750 Creatures, both of them.

Not too far from them, a duo of female Demon Generals Arthur was familiar with chatted with him, and with each giggle, they both threw him flirtatious smiles, their intentions glaringly obvious. 

Their conversation came to a close soon after and just as Arthur waved them off, Evan finally asked the question that had been on his mind.

"I'm just asking though…" 

Arthur turned to him, eyebrow raised.