As a team

"To get rid of me huh? It may not make much sense, but I have a feeling Alix is right "Adora stated.

"What do you mean?" Eliza questioned as she entered the kitchen.

"Nothing, how was your mission?" Adora questioned.

"I still have no idea, no whereabouts of the vampire hunters, the dire wolf scene, it's all just a big mess, well I bumped into one of their scouts, he said that the hunters have special weapons due to his analysis," she responded.

"What kind of special weapons?" Adora questioned.

"I would like to know the same thing about the hunters and the genome editing; what if it's all connected and foreshadows something bigger, and probably worse, than the Great War? Is someone really attempting to kill millions of people in the run-up to the apocalypse?" Eliza questioned, and Adora lowered her head.