"Are you building a small army?"

After Olivia left to go after Cameron, Adora couldn't help but be concerned about the outcome if the enemies came after her team seriously, but she was confident that they could hold their own now.

"Adora "I really didn't mean to irritate him," Isabella said.

"I said it's fine, I know you didn't," she responded, "but he is taking it hard, he's worried, and I'm pretty sure it's not about himself."

"You guys listen to me carefully, if you ever bump into the enemy do not attempt to fight them if they do not attack, they are up to something, they are not serious about fighting us that I am sure about which means they will still be coming for Zavis and I don't know when," Adora said.

"Don't worry, Adora, I'll be fine, I will keep working on a deadly attack with my powers," he said and she smiled.