
That night, while Adora was sleeping, her nightmares rushed into her head like a storm, consuming her, causing her to tremble and breathe heavily, recalling her mother's death and the suffering of those around her, and a black mark began to form around the injury she received from the dead reaper.

That night, Adora punished to sleep peacefully more than most times before.

When Alix and the others awoke the next morning, he went through his normal morning routine and noticed that his eyes had become a bit brighter in color. He sighed, not knowing why or how much more would change about him, but he didn't mind because he wanted to see what else he was capable of.

When Alix finished, he left his room and went to the living room within the castle, then sighed before peeking out at the ship and saw the others were there and he went to them and saw that Kyris and Scott along with Zack were working on the broken part of the ship which was almost completed.