Chapter 79: Teleportation Crystal.

"It's something that will take us straight to my base."

Her curiosity had been peaked. "Is that even possible?! How does it work?"

Xavier gazed at her with narrowed eyes in response to all her questions. Realising how immature she was acting, she quickly grew embarrassed, lowering her head to hide her blushing face.

"Do we have everything ready?" Xavier asked.

She slowly nodded.

"Are we not going to do anything about her? And are you sure this is going to work? That looks just like a regular crystal."

"Yeah it'll work and I only attack those who attack me or those close to me."

'Besides, I'm tired I just want to go home, lay down and laze around while sipping on blood. I deserve at least that much rest.' Xavier thought to himself.

"You're the complete opposite of the impression I got from reading your bounty info, Devourer."

Xavier grinned before patting Sophie on the head with his other hand. Her head and hair were both soft, he felt like stroking it.