Dimwit Ideas

"This was a dangerous feat," Daniel told his first mate. "You could have been killed by the entities on this island."

A few of the men came to Mariana, amazed by her transformation into an angelic entity. She didn't feel like explaining herself too openly, after all, she had just learned of her fateful condition and what she had talked about with the pirate king also meant that the crew was going to be pulled into something that they really didn't want to be involved in.

They ate and drank a bit of wine. Everyone was too tired to lift the anchor right now, but the general sentiment was that they should set sail as soon as possible to get away from this horrifying place.

Mariana retreated from the questions and the amazed looks. After a while, the glamorous parts of being an angel did not seem all that great anymore. What she had was a whole bunch of responsibilities that she had never asked for.