Angel Heart

This was too much of this emotional battery. She had to get out of this place, off this ship.

Even as she climbed up a rope to make an announcement to the entire crew, she was calculating, plotting her escape once her heel would dig into Karshaan soil and she would have a chance to really get away from the pirate king for good.

Of course, a part of her knew that this was not going to be the way things would play out in her life. She was tied to him, just like he was tied to her, and their fates were welded together into a single blade that pierced the very fabric of reality.

She still wanted just one blissful adventure away from him so that she could figure out who she was as a person and what she could do to untangle herself from all these soul trades she had so impulsively cast herself into.

"And that is why we have to figure things out before you get your pay," she finished her sorry-to-tell-you speech. "I hope you have some leftover gold from your latest loot."