Human Torch

May 3rd

Not a very good day I must say, but still a day to be told. Early morning, my father had invited me to go to the market.

If there were only four other people that were coming with me, I would've gone as well, but with me included, it would've added to six people in total.

So, in response, I declined dad's offer and stayed home. This was because I wanted the car to have space left for the groceries.

But when they came back in two hours, they bore a shocking revelation. Dad had told us to get ready to head to the beach.

The sole reason this was shocking to me, is that the previous plan was to head there late in the afternoon. Then after, have dinner on the beach.

Then again, the sole reason was that my planning for the whole day had gone awry at that moment. Such as writing some words in the morning.

After the sudden announcement, the whole house had gone back and forth. They were packing up things that they would bring. Such as towels, spare clothes, soap, shampoo, etc.

After a few rounds of going back and forth, going in and out of bedrooms, we were now packed. Then we got in the cars that were parked.

As mentioned, we used two cars to get there. The reason was that one car was not enough to fit the whole members. We got in and then headed to the beach.

Some time went by and we had finally arrived at our destination. We got out of our rides and set our feet down on the sand.

The sea was clear, unlike the previous one we took photos of. The beach itself was also semi-clean, with a barely noticeable amount of trash. It was unlike the beach that we went to last year, where I spent the rest of my time cleaning up.

In the distance, we could see boats getting ridden, people eating their food, and businesses bustling with customers.

Though it was a beach with clear waters and semi-clean sand, it was flaming hot. So, the moment we got out of the car, we looked for shade to set up our base.

After we were all done setting it up, the children headed straight off to the sea. Me? Of course, I also headed in, why wouldn't I go.

In total, we stayed at the beach for around three hours, until it was time for lunch. We had cupped noodles. Unfortunately, nothing really exciting happened, we just had fun.

Oh! But I did find a broken glass cup. Though it pales in comparison to the beer bottle that I had found, a short moment after I found mine. Wait, I also found a sea creature, but it was shortly released back.

After we all had our fun, we washed and dried ourselves. Then, we had our prayers. There was a place for it nearby.

When we were about to head back to the off, my aunt had a suggestion. Since some members had not eaten lunch yet, she proposed we eat here, where a famous spot lies.

But after a few minutes of searching for seating, it was a wasted effort. Thus, in the end, we all got back in the car and headed back to the house.

Yet upon arriving back at the house, everyone fell on their mattresses and slept. Even after I woke up, the house was still silent.

The air conditioner was on, it was cold, you'd expect a nice and comfy sleep upon turning the machine on. But not me, I woke up like I was Human Torch from Fantastic Four.

My body heated up, but I didn't feel sick internally. The pain could only be felt on my skin. After a quick consultation, it was determined I was inflicted with a sunburn.

The only immediate thought was to slap Vaseline all over my arm, which was the sunburned area. And so, begin my night, writhing in pain.

Just messing with you again. It was hurting, but it wasn't hurting as bad as I thought. So, I spent some time with the two youngest and then wrote this chapter.

Though it is unfortunate that I didn't get any work done on "Lunaria". But so be it, I'm just going to spend the rest of my day sleeping.