
The raging fire that surrounded the Sun temple's town was still burning brightly.

However, everyone inside it had already been killed. Only Dilan was left alive, but he was imprisoned in the walls of fire.

He could barely move his body, his sight was blurred and his hands were trembling.

Every inch of his body from head to toe ached tremendously but Dilan didn't issue the slightest groan.

His expression was void of pain as he just lay on the floor and stared at the ceiling. If there was an emotion in his eyes, it was sadness.

After Dilan had killed everyone, he felt as if he was missing something, almost as if something had been torn out of him.

He sighed deeply and looked in the direction where he had burned Mason's body.

"I hope you can be more fortunate in your next life…"

Dilan couldn't know if something like a next life existed but given the miracles he and everyone on Milarn had witnessed, everything should be possible.