Weird Building

They talked until late at night before everyone had been given a task about what to do and how to distribute the tasks amongst the Survivors.

With 2500 Survivors by their side, they had more than enough working force to do something. However, while it was great to have so many Survivors to do all kinds of tasks, it was also a fact that they had a lot of preparations to do especially because their group was quite large.

Dilan slept for a few hours before he woke up not long after sunrise. There were lots of things for him to do but the first thing he did was to use his replenished Mana to use [Regeneration] over and over again.

Afterward, he ate some of the leftover food of the night before. He quickly bathed, prepared everything he needed, and set off not long after.

'It should be better for me to stay alone for the time being.' Dilan thought with a wry smile, knowing that he was ignoring the other's concern.