
"Do you think I'm a fool? Who the hell would believe that you don't have a Log of the Ancient anymore? Everyone has one!!" Wilhelm Star shouted out loud.

He turned to everyone, the corners of his lips curling upward.

"It looks like your honorable leader is not willing to reveal his Log of the ancient to us! Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't be worried about someone recommended and trusted by the Demi Gods in our Circle, but how are we supposed to know what your leader did in the last 27 years? Maybe he made a deal with a foreign race and received unfathomable treasures and benefits in exchange for betraying his own people.

The human mind is fickle, and only the strong-willed can survive in the dark times we're living in right now!! Can we really trust someone, who doesn't even want to reveal his Log of the Ancient to prove that he is one of us, one of the brave Warriors, who fights against the evil forces that infiltrated our lands and oceans?!"