
"You should evade that though!"

Once he issued a small warning, the heavy battle-axe cut down on Rooster, whose eyes widened a bit.

If he hadn't realized it before, the Archangel was certain to understand that he was actually facing a maniac…someone, who was not afraid to feel endless pain as long as the final result was his victory!!

Rooster's sword dug deeper inside Dilan's abdomen, injuring various organs at the same time. Dilan coughed up blood but his smile never ceased.

On the contrary, his smile widened when the heavy battle-axe cut down with the intention to split apart the Archangel.

Dilan could get a glimpse of some movements from his right but he quickly realized that Goldy didn't move. She continued to observe the battle silently.

Rooster grit his teeth and stared deep into Dilan's eyes, just to see that the sky-blue eyes were void of any hesitation.