No Progress?


Dilan knew that the Flame of the Beginning was something exceptional the moment it formed in his Divine Essence Crystal.

But the Flame of the Beginning's power exceeded his expectations manyfold.


Dilan was currently levitating in front of a Goblin settlement. In fact, the settlement was more like a combustion of four or more settlements that had once been one big city. Dilan was not sure why the Goblin settlements were split up now but that was probably owed to some internal conflicts.

However, the political fights and internal conflicts between the Goblins were entirely useless right now. In the face of the blue miniature sun Dilan, or more precisely the Flame of the Beginning, had unleashed, nothing could survive…

Dilan was pretty sure that the miniature sun had been larger and several times stronger than the meteorite shower that had raised Shiron to the ground.