Official Launch?

"Huh!? Never mind inheritance money, it was only filled with Yuujin's junk!" Hiro responded with displeasure. When he heard the woman's voice, he lost all control of himself.

At least he could let his annoyance out.

"This unreasonable child. Who taught you to talk like that to your aunt? Where are you living now anyway?"

Aunt Yuma had always been like this. She used to have a harmonious family with a wealthy husband and a handsome son, but after her husband's act of infidelity, she was divorced and was denied child custody for not having a permanent job.

Now, she only worked as a factory laborer and became a drunkard in her everyday life.

When Yuujin was still alive and Hiro hadn't been of age to manage his finances yet, Yuujin sent money for him through Aunt Yuma. Even though this resulted in a huge loss as he only received 50% of his rightful amount, he felt bad seeing his aunt's pitiful condition and decided not to tell Yuujin about it.