Mass Elimination

[Survivor: 1 survivor has been eliminated]

[Survivor: 1 survivor has been eliminated]

[Survivor: 1 survivor has been eliminated]

[Survivor: 1 survivor has been eliminated]

[Survivor: 1 survivor has been eliminated]

[Survivor: 1 survivor has been eliminated]

"Damn it!"

Hiro kept running even though his legs felt terribly sore, and he had sudden cramps multiple times until he had to run by jumping.

No one was chasing him behind other than the time.

Although he managed to save a few survivors and immediately sent them away to the south, Hiro alone was not enough to save the tens of thousands of survivors scattered in the giant maze.

With the HUD system continuing to display the notifications of survivors that had been eliminated without pause, Hiro was sure of one thing.

The elimination operation by killing survivors in the maze had been started by hunters.

They went crazy.