Room 1011

"I'm going back to that hospital."

Hiro made Alice, who was drinking water, choked and coughed.

Cough! Cough!

"What did you say? Have you gone mad? Do you think you can go to that hospital like you go to other hospitals?"

Hiro had guessed that Alice would definitely not let him go to the hospital where Yuujin's body was being preserved. He had expected it.

Even so, Hiro wouldn't let that stop his plans. He had prepared an offer so he could take advantage of Alice and her abilities as Anonymous.

He told Anonymous about the pet he had got and his plan to find WynterRain's whereabouts to ask him directly about what had really happened.

Hiro told Alice that he had seen Yuujin's body being preserved in that hospital. He was also one hundred percent sure that WynterRain was completely controlled by Yuujin.

Though he hadn't found out the method yet. Hiro was still figuring it out.

However, the most important thing right now, Hiro had information that correlated to all of that.