Rank 1 NightFall

The number of guild members had reached 35 people, including the guild management members. The number had increased by three times than before Hiro left them for playing solo.

Hiro felt a bit nervous when he saw all of them. However, in contrast to Hiro, the new members couldn't wait for this day to happen soon. They had been waiting to meet their leader.

Wheelie and the members who had the life skill ability to cook were busy in the kitchen, cooking food for the party. Because almost all of them were players from America, the food that they would cook also adjusted to their tastes.

Hiro didn't mind that. He adapted quickly. Although the food in America was very different from the food he ate every day during his life in Japan, his tongue could accept it all well.

"So, have you prepared your victory speech, Hiro?" Jacob started the conversation. Hiro glanced at him. He felt grateful that Jacob had indirectly saved him from feeling awkward.