
"Hiro! Hiro! Wake up!"

Flap! Flap! Flap!

Spyro slapped Hiro's face, using its two front paws multiple times. The dragon didn't even hesitate to use its claws to wake Hiro who was lying on an empty land with blackish red land like it had been burned by hell fire. Next to his body, there was Liberty who was curled up motionless.

"Hiro! Wake up! Geez! How long are you going to sleep like that?" Spyro still hadn't given up even though it had been doing that for more than half an hour now.

Alice had managed to find a gap to enter the game again, which was currently announced to have closed all of its servers due to a very serious problem. Even though no one had managed to break into the server that had been mentioned that was locked from the inside due to a hacker attack, Alice still managed to get into the messed up system as usual. Although she was dishonorably expelled before.