No Progress

Inside the main company building where all the servers in the Last Shelter Online were monitored on a daily basis, Dr. Jeff Johnson sat on a chair. He looked very pale. The dark circles around his eyes were getting thicker and clearer. Meanwhile, his face had been covered with moustaches that stick out in disheveled due to recent stress.

"Have you found a way to get everything back?" Dr. Johnson asked Gary who was focused on inputting a few letters and a unique code into the monitor in front of him. The man's face was so close to the screen that the light from it made the details of his face clearer.

Gary shook his head and wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead.

Dr. Jeff Johnson who knew the gesture immediately threw the empty coke soda can in his hand against the wall, causing a loud bang.

The sound managed to make Gary move away from the monitor he had been staring at.

"Dr. Johnson, it looks like you need to rest now."