
Hiro pretended to run to find out the location of the player who had the red metal ring. He still didn't give up.

No one knew that the real owner of the red metal ring was still under his robe, clinging tightly to him like a baby monkey and crying silently. The little girl was really terrified.

"That damn GM. What was he thinking of giving a weak girl like this a red metal ring? Does he really not intend to get the strongest opponent?"

Hiro dashed forward everywhere, trying to approach random players. Meanwhile, Meta followed him with a distance of no more than one meter.

No other players could move from their place according to the agreement they had made a moment ago before letting Hiro check them with his current power.

Hiro was forced to lie to them again, claiming that he could see the red metal ring on their necks with his demon's eyes that had reached the final stage. And everyone believed him because they thought that Hiro's power was so great now.